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Cantonese Vocabulary – Direction

left 左 jó
right 右 yauh
north 北面 bākmihn
south 南面 nàahm’mihn
east 東面 dūngmihn
west 西面 sāimihn

How do I get to _____ ? 我可以點去_____呀? Ngóh hó’yi dím heui _____ a?
the train station 火車站 fóchē jaahm
the bus station? 巴士站 bāsí jaahm
the airport? 機場 gēichèuhng
downtown? 市區 síh’kēui
the youth hostel? 青年旅舍 chīngnìhn léuihséh
the _____ hotel? _____ 酒店 _____ jáudim

the American/Canadian/Australian/British consulate 美國/加拿大/澳州/英國 領事館?
Méihgwok/Oujāu/Yīng’gwok/Gānàhdaaih líhngsihgún
Where are there a lot of_____ ? 邊度可以搵到好多_____呀?
Bīndouh hó’yi wándou hóudō _____ a?

restaurants 餐廳 chāantēng
bars 酒吧 jáubā
sites to see 境點 gíngdím
Can you show me on the map? 可唔可以喺張地圖度指俾我睇呀?
̀h-hó’yi hái jēung deihtòuh douh jí béi ngóh tái a?

street 街 gāai

Turn left. 轉左 Jyun jó.
Turn right. 轉右 Jyun yauh.

straight ahead 直行 jihk’hàahng
towards the _____ 去_____ heui _____
past the _____ 過咗 _____ gwojó _____
before the _____ _____之前 jīchìhn
Watch for the _____. 睇住_____. Táijyuh _____.
intersection 十字路口 sahpjihlouh’háu

uphill 上山 séuhngsāan
downhill 落山 lohksāan

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