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Hong Kong Museum of History


The new museum was opened to the people in 1998; it’s found in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon. The permanent exhibition of the museum displays ‘The Story of Hong Kong,’ which portrays in a dynamic way the natural ecology, local customs, historic developments and traditional culture.

The new museum was opened to the people in 1998; it is present in Tsimshatsui, Kowloon. The permanent exhibit of the museum displays ‘The Narrative of Hong Kong,’ which shows in a dynamic way in which the organic ecology, local customs, historic progressions and traditional culture.

Among the archaeological items are things found on China’s southeastern coast, and posts excavated in the 30’s in the southern islands.

Archival pictures are really an essential historic source as well as the Museum group is replete with these, by means of the earliest dating back towards the 1860s. Other items within the set comprise models of town and village buildings, early papers and files, a whole set of Hong Kong funds, and family genealogies via an old city while in the Brand new Territories.

Groups relating to individuals’s customs include fishing equipment gear and types of fishing boats for sale, traditional clothing, hamlet furniture and daily posts, things involving local traditions and beliefs, dolls, amusement things etcetera. The natural background collections include shells of all kinds of jewels and minerals, and sea creatures animals, butterflies.

These exhibits have wide ranging material. They are going deeply into Hong Kong history from various points of view, and they have been helpful in enriching cultural exchange between contiguous regions and Hong Kong.

The Museum comprises a fascinating 7,000 sqm long-term exhibition “The Hong Kong Story” showcasing of Hong Kong’s history, ethnography and natural history of Hong Kong and South China.

Address: 100, Chatham Road South, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon
Telephone: (852) 2724 9042
Fax: (852) 2724 9090

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