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16th ifva Festival

ifva firmly believes in the value of creativity! In its 16th edition, ifva not only offers the highest-ever amount of prize money for award winners as encouragement, but will give Gold Award winners in Animation and Interactive Media categories all-inclusive sponsorship to go abroad to take part in cultural exchange.

This year, ifva has also invested heavily in nurturing creative talents, and introduced a new programme called “Animation Lab” in which we partner with GOBELINS, l’école de l’image from France to hold a master class and screenings. Some of the ifva alums who have become mature artists have taken part in this year’s ifva greenlab, presenting their new works inspired by everyday life in Hong Kong.

In addition, ifva keeps pace with the international art scene, and as in previous years, will invite overseas artists to Hong Kong for live performances. This year’s programme features Transforma, a new media collective formed by German artists Luke BENNETT, Baris HASSELBACH and Simon KRAHL; as well as a sound performance by YAO Chung-han from Taiwan. Another internationally renowned artist featured is Ryusuke ITO, who specializes in exploring the spatial concept in expanded cinema. There will be an exhibition of his works alongside the finalist works of this year’s Interactive Media Category.

Last but not least, ifva has curated two programmes of outstanding works from previous years to be shown at the upcoming Hong Kong International Film Festival. The 16th ifva continues its work of building up independent spirit and uniting the creative community in the hope that it will be rewarded with waves of creative output.


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