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Cantonese Vocabulary – Number

Here are the counting of Cantonese numbers from 0 to 100. We would not include too many since it is difficult to learn them at once. Therefore, bit by bit, try to figure out how the Cantonese numbers are constituted.

0 ling4
1 jat1
2 ji6
3 saam1
4 sei3
5 ng5/m5
Nowadays, the strong nasal sound “ng” are widely displaced by “m”.
6 luk6
7 cat1
8 baat3
9 gau2
10 sap6
From 11-19, simply add 1-9 after 十sap6, the principle is the same for 20, 30, 40 etc.
11 十一 sap6jat1
12 十二 sap6ji6
13 十三 sap6saam1
14 十四 sap6sei3
15 十五 sap6m5
16 十六 sap6luk6
17 十七 sap6cat1
18 十八 sap6baat3
19 十九 sap6gau2
20 二十 ji6sap6
By 二十ji6sap6, it means ‘two ten’. Therefore, 30 will be spoken as ‘three ten’ and so forth.
30 三十 saam1sap6
40 四十 sei3sap6
50 五十 m5sap6
60 六十 luk6sap6
70 七十 cat1sap6
80 八十 baat3sap6
90 九十 gau2sap6
100 一百 jat1baak3


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